Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Several nutritional steps you can take to reduce cancer tumor invasions

This information is taken from the book entitled Natural Strategies For Cancer Patients, pg. 56, by Dr. R. L. Blaylock ( I recommended this book and another of his books in the reading list posting on 9/29/2011). As he stated in another portion of his book, you do not need to do everything on this list. You should talk to a professional and determine what recommendations would most benefit you.

There are several nutritional steps you can take to reduce tumor invasions. They include:
-Decrease your intake of omega-6 oils, found in corn, safflower, soybean, sunflower, peanut, and canola oil.
-Increase your intake of the omega-3 fatty acids, especially docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).
-Take supplemental magnesium ascorbate, citrate, or citramate every day to bring your total intake up to 1,000 mg.
-Take 25 mg of zinc every other day.
-Take 100 mg of grape seed extract three times a day. Grape seed extract prevents the destruction of blood vessel barriers and is a powerful antioxidant.
-Instead of grape seed extract, take 50 mg of Pycnogenol three times a day. Pycnogenol also increases the strength of the blood vessel barrier walls and is a powerful antioxidant.
-Take 100 mg of bilberry extract three times a day. Bilberry extract strengthens the walls of the blood vessels.
-Take horsechestnut extract every day. While aescin, a component of this extract, is known to strengthen the blood vessel walls, it is difficult to calculate the appropriate daily dose of the extract itself. Most horsechestnut extracts come in 300 mg capsules, with the recommended dose being two-three capsules per day. Because of its blood-thinning effect, horsechestnut extract should not be used with anticoagulant drugs, such as aspirin or Coumadin, or herbs with anticoagulant effects, such as ginger, garlic, or curcumin.
-Take 500 mg of curcumin three times a day. Dissolve the contents of one capsule in one tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil. Curcumin has a slight anticoagulant effect, so it should not be combined with aspirin or anticoagulant drugs.
-Take 500 mg of luteolin (artichoke extract) twice a day.
-Take 500-1,000 mg of quercitin every day.
-Eat at least ten servings of fruits and vegetables (mostly vegetables) or drink about three to four servings of blenderized fruits and vegetables every day.

My note: Horsechestnut contains compounds called saponins which at high doses may cause GI irritation.
Curcumin's anticoagulant effect is at high doses.

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