Wednesday, October 31, 2012

6 Superfoods in Disguise

Since I like to eat I am always looking for information which will help me with my family's food choices and this is a good one, although I still don't eat pork which is mentioned in this article.


Monday, October 29, 2012

15 Foods That Cure

Food can cure many—if not most—ailments. And it’s cheaper and more effective than seeing the doctor, popping pills, or calling your no-good cousin with the shady connections. See, the way you feel is a result of the various chemicals that flow through your system on a daily basis. When those chemicals are the kind derived from a healthy mix of fruits, vegetables, proteins, and fats, you feel healthy, energetic, and happy. Improve your health now by adding these 15 Foods That Cure to your repertoire.


Monday, October 22, 2012

Master the Produce Aisle

Good morning all,

I hope you had a good weekend. Here is a great article on getting the best fruits and vegetables for your dollar.


Saturday, October 20, 2012

7 Shocking Reasons to Go Organic

Hello everyone. I hope you are having a great weekend. This is a good article but if you don't have a lot of time or even interest I still recommend you spend the 2-3 minutes it takes to read the first page and share this with others.


Wednesday, October 10, 2012

12 Diabetes Fighting Foods

     Diabetes is one of the biggest health threats in the U.S. today. If you and your children, yes your children, don't already have it you know several people who do. This is one of the most preventable problems we face today and the following article can help you prevent diabetes and even reverse it.
     Enjoy the read.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Tomatoes, Red Peppers & Watermelon are 'stroke preventers'

A diet rich in tomatoes, red peppers and water-melons may reduce the risk of having a stroke, according to researchers in Finland.

Enjoy your fruits and vegies.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Thursday, October 4, 2012

9 Foods to Fight Your Fall Allergies

Good morning everyone,

While reading this article you will notice that these same foods that come up over and over again in so many articles about foods with healthy benefits.

Enjoy the read.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Tricks Foods Play

What you eat may fool your brain into packing on the pounds
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Photography by Cary Wolinsky; photo illustration by Rick Kyle
Most people would never equate downing a well-dressed salad or a fried chicken thigh with toking a joint of marijuana. But to Joseph Hibbeln of the National Institutes of Health, the comparison isn’t a big stretch.
New animal experiments by Hibbeln and his colleagues have recently shown that the body uses a major constituent in most vegetable oils to make its own versions of the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana. Called endocannabinoids, these natural compounds play a role in heightening appetite. So overproducing them unnecessarily boosts hunger, similarly to how pot triggers the munchies (SN: 6/19/10, p. 16).
If what happens in people mirrors what happens in animals, then the prevalence of soybean oil, corn oil and other polyunsaturated vegetable oils in today’s Western diet means your body is “dumping out a lot of these marijuana-like molecules into your brain,” explains Hibbeln, a nutritional neuroscientist. “You’re chronically a little bit stoned.”
Vegetable oil’s link to endocannabinoids is just one example of newfound and surprising ways that foods can confuse calorie-sensing networks and foster obesity — in some cases by damaging the brain. Especially troubling: Excess body weight itself can exaggerate the risk of the brain telling a well-fueled body that it is running on empty.

For the full article go to:


8. Nutrition "Scare" #1: Fat Will Make You Fat!:

Eating fat does not make you fat. In fact, not eating enough fat can make you fat. A 2008 study published in the New England Journal of Medicine found that a diet high in healthy fats proved to be superior to a low-fat diet, both in terms of weight loss and overall health benefits. Saturated and trans fats have given fat a bad name, but the truth is that the unsaturated fats found in foods like nuts, salmon, and olive oil are a key component in a healthy diet.

7. Nutrition "Scare" #2: Bread Will Make You Fat! :

The low-carb craze of the early 2000s had people terrified of breaking bread, but eating the right kinds of breads and other grains can actually help you lose weight. An American Journal of Clinical Nutrition study found that overweight people who obtained all of their grain servings from whole grains lost more belly fat than those who skipped the whole grains. The reason: The fiber found in whole grain foods helps slow digestion, keeping you fuller longer. You should still avoid refined grains like "enriched" flour, but a moderate amount of whole grain bread can be a great addition to a balanced diet. Tip: True whole grain bread products will have "whole wheat" or "whole grain" flour as their first ingredient. If you see anything else, your "wheat" bread is an imposter.

6. Nutrition "Scare" #3: Snacking Will Make You Fat!:

Mom may have told you that eating frequently is a surefire way to pack on the pounds, but she probably also told you that your face will freeze that way. In fact, snacking throughout the day is actually one of the best ways to avoid an expanding waistline. In a recent study, Spanish researchers found that participants lost significantly more body weight when they added low-sugar, high-protein snacks to their daily food routine. Why? Because consistent snacking helps maintain blood-sugar levels, keeping you full and preventing your body from storing excess fat. Two great options for a low-sugar, high-protein snack: nuts and (low-fat) dairy products, like yogurt. 

5. Nutrition "Scare" #4: Coffee is Ruining Your Health!:

It turns out that Americans' java addiction may not be such a bad thing. A 2006 study in the journal Diabetes Care showed that coffee drinkers were significantly less likely to develop type 2 diabetes, and other research has linked coffee consumption with a reduced risk of Parkinson's disease, dementia, stroke, and depression. And get this: According to researchers from the University of Scranton in Pennsylvania, coffee is the number-one leading source of antioxidants in the American diet. So go ahead, enjoy your morning cup of joe guilt free!

4. Nutrition "Scare" #5: Thinking About Food Will Make You Obsessed With Eating!:

Think about other things: Your friends. Your 401(k). The game. Grandma’s dentures. Anything that will get your mind off food, right? Well, no: According to Dutch researchers, thinking about snacks and meals can actually help you stay lean. The study found that when asked questions like, "What will you do if you get hungry two hours before your next meal?" thinner participants were better able to give healthy responses, like "eat a handful of nuts." While fantasizing about how many onion rings you could feasibly fit on a double bacon cheeseburger is probably not going to keep the pounds at bay, taking a proactive approach to your diet by thinking ahead will. Try planning nutritious meals for the week or keeping healthy snacks like fruit and nuts on hand to ward off hunger. 

3. Nutrition "Scare" #6: Dessert Will Ruin Your Life!:

Au contraire: Dessert makes life worth living, and it just might help you stay lean as well. Studies have shown that completely eliminating foods you love can send you sailing straight into binge mode. Is chocolate mud pie good for you? No, and if you feel like you want to cut down on indulgences, go right ahead. But if, like most of us, swearing off sweets instantly causes you to start daydreaming about hot fudge sundaes, you might want to rethink your approach. Try allowing yourself a small dessert every day to satisfy your cravings without doing too much damage. Need help? Try a Breyers Smooth & Dreamy Vanilla Fudge Brownie Ice Cream Sandwich. It has a very reasonable 160 calories and 16 grams of sugar. 

2. Nutrition "Scare" #7: Red Meat Will Give You a Heart Attack!:

Harvard researchers recently discovered that while eating processed meats like hotdogs and bacon can contribute to heart disease, there is no such risk for people who consume only unprocessed meat. Meat is also a complete protein, providing all nine essential amino acids, and many studies have linked protein consumption with weight loss. Moreover, meat and other animal products are the only dietary sources of vitamin B12, which helps your body make blood cells and maintain a healthy nervous system. But beware: Eating too much saturated fat has been linked to heart disease, so go ahead and include meat in your diet, but opt for the leanest cuts.

1. Nutrition "Scare" #8: Eggs are Cholesterol Bombs!:

Perhaps the biggest nutrition myth is that eggs are bad for your heart, a fact attributed to the cholesterol in the yolk. But here's the truth: The dietary cholesterol found in eggs actually has little effect on the amount of cholesterol in your blood. When it comes to increasing LDL ("bad cholesterol"), trans and saturated fats are the real culprits. The incredible, edible egg is actually an excellent, affordable source of protein and B vitamins, and it may help you lose weight. A 2008 study in the International Journal of Obesity found that dieters who consumed two eggs for breakfast each day lost significantly more weight than those who consumed bagels.

Finally, start your day right. A great breakfast will jump start your metabolism and have you burning more calories throughout the day.
