Thursday, April 21, 2011

Overfed and Undernourished & Folic Acid, Vitamin B9

This is obviously a B vitamin but I had this information saved alphabetically as Folic Acid, sorry about the out of order appearance. 

To summarize the first article in this series, we continue to be a world of haves and have-nots but in today’s version even the haves are suffering and they are suffering from having too much. This too much is too much food but not enough nutrition. The haves can eat all the time but they are choosing to eat the wrong foods and or the empty foods. Empty foods meaning that they are eating but there is no nutritional value in the food that they are choosing to eat, this is why we are giving you this information on where to find the whole food sources for the majority of your vitamin and mineral needs.
In this supplement we are covering the systems supported, the benefits to be found and the whole food sources for Folic Acid, Folate.
Systems support and Benefits:
Blood and nervous systems. Folic acid transfers single carbon units, which is critical in the metabolism of nucleic acids and amino acids. Because of this role, folate supports overall growth and development and blood cell formation and supports normal growth of the fetus.
Food sources:
Asparagus, black beans, broccoli, carrots, collard greens, citrus fruits, garbanzo beans, kidney beans, lentils, liver, navy beans, nutritional yeast, organ meats, pinto beans, soybeans, spinach.

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