Thursday, September 15, 2011

Drug Depletions

With the billions of dollars being spent on drugs every year and the nasty side effects they all have this is a short list of supplements to help alleviate or avoid some of those problems.

If you take:
Oral Contraceptives: If you are a woman taking contraceptives for any reason you should add the following supplements to your diet Calcium, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9 (Folic acid), B12, tyrosine, vitamin C (the whole vit. C not just the ascorbic acid), vitamin E (preferably from wheat germ oil), Magnesium, Selenium, Zinc.

Statins- add CoQ10 this protects against muscle breakdown and heart damage from the drug itself. Remember, when lowering your cholesterol the brain and nervous system are made up largely of Cholesterol.

NSAIDS (aspirin)- add Folic acid because aspirin can increase homocysteine which is a major indicator for an increased risk of Heart Attack & Stroke.

Acetaminophen- add Milk Thistle to protect your liver from damage and Milk Thistle replaces Glutathione which protects antioxidants throughout your body most importantly in your brain and liver.

Ace Inhibitors- add Zinc

Beta blockers- add CoQ10

Calcium channel blockers- add Potassium

Antacids- block acid/HCL production and you need stomach acid to breakdown your food. It may seem counter intuitive but most indigestion is caused by to little stomach acid which allows the food to sit in your stomach to long and ferment with this being the actual reflux and discomfort not excess acid production. Add Apple cider vinegar for acid support, if it burns then heal your stomach damage first using Chlorophyll supplements, then introduce acid/HCL support again when it no longer burns.

Final Facts:
-The statin Lipitor is #1 prescribed drug in the US. Statins require CoQ10 for heart, muscle and liver support, liver support (Milk Thistle) and fat soluble nutrients to protect the brain and decrease the pain caused by statins.CoQ10 also protects the blood vessels.
-The antacid Nexium is the #2 drug prescribed in US, plus all of the OTC antacids that are sold.

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